3 Days Training on principles of Media Laws and freedom of Expression for Journalist in Awdal Region Opens
Borame-A three day Training on Media Laws and principles of freedom of expression drawn from Awdal region of Somaliland jointly organized by Somaliland Journalist Association “SOLJA” SONSAF and funded by SIDA through FORUMSYD, SLRF (Somaliland National Association in Sweden) opened today in Hotel Rays, Borame Town.
Mr. Abkor Hassan Caafi, the Ministry of Information and National Guidance coordinator for Awdal region speaking to the participants said, “The training course was crucial for their day to day work and that it was necessary for equipping local journalist with the necessary skills to deal with complex stories in the Awdal region and country of which most Journalists lack.
Mr. Mahmoud Abdi Jama, the Chairman of Somaliland Journalist Association “SOLJA” speaking to fellow journalist said, “One of the main fundamentals of Somaliland Journalist Association-SOLJA is to act as an advocate and representative both state and independent journalists. With the capacity to promote editorial independence and defends the moral and material interests of journalists, including their professional training and further education.
“Freedom of expression, independent media and citizens’ right to communication are essential parts of the Somaliland and the global development agenda. Transparency and openness are basic conditions of development. We cannot speak about functional democracy unless the citizens have the right and opportunity to receive information”, he stated.
SOLJA (Borama) Ururka Suxufiyiinta Somaliland SOLJA ayaa tababar socon doona sadex cisho oo ku saabsan sharuuucda Saxaafadda iyo mabaadiida aas aaska u ah xorriyatal qawlka uga furtay magaaladda Borama soddon Suxufi oo ka shaqeeya hay’adaha warbaahinta ee kala duwan.
Isuduwaha Wasaaradda warfaafinta, Dhaqanka iyo Wacyigalinta ee Gobolka Awdal Abkor Xasan Caafi oo ka hadlay xafladii Furitaanka oo ka dhacday Hotel Rays ee Borama ayaa sheegay in ay Suxufiyiinta Gobolka ka shaqaysaa u baahnayd, waxaanu xusay inay soo dhaweynayaan dedaalka Ururka SOLJA markii labaad ay Gobolka kaga qabtaan sanadkan gudihiisa tababar noocan oo kale ah.
Guddoomiyaha Ururka Suxufiyiinta Somaliland SOLJA Maxamuud Cabdi Jaamac oo tababarkaasi u furay Suxufiyiinta Gobolka Awdal ayaa isna ka hadlay doorka ay saxaafadda Somaliland ka qaadato Xrriyatul qawlka, waxaanu xusay mabaadiida ay SOLJA u abuuran tahay inay kow ka tahay in la sugo Xorriyada hadalka iyo Xorriyada saxaafadda, waxaanu tilmaamay in looga baahan yahay Suxufiyiintu inay ka shaqeeyaan sidii loo sugi lahaa wararka iyo xaqa dadweynuhu u leeyihiin inay afkaartooda si cad oo sharci ah u dhiibtaan.