8th SOLJA General Assembly Summit Culminates in the Historic Election of the 6th Leader in 2023
With a dedication, to upholding standards and advancement the Somaliland Journalists Association (SOLJA) held its significant 8th conference on December 31 2023 at the prestigious Ambassador Hotel in Hargeisa. Since its establishment in 2003 SOLJA has maintained the tradition of hosting conferences providing a platform for discussions, growth and leadership transitions within Somalilands journalism community.
This crucial gathering not saw the selection of the Board of Directors (BOD). Also celebrated a groundbreaking moment; appointing four women to the 15-member BOD marking a significant step towards gender equality and inclusivity in Somaliland’s journalism sector.
Former chairman Sakariye Ahmed Muhamed led the conference preparations according to SOLJA’s constitution. A dedicated seven members of organizing committee managed the process efficiently. Set out requirements for potential leaders resulting in 29 applicants competing for the coveted 15 positions.
Guided by SOLJAs leadership team the conference unfolded smoothly and purposefully. After engaging in discussions the voting process began, showcasing SOLJA’s dedication to democratic values. Each candidate faced evaluation, leading to the selection of 15 members, for the BOD reflecting the collective decision of the delegates.
Two days later with anticipation the elected BOD gathered to choose a leader who would steer SOLJA’s direction for the next three years. With support and unanimous agreement Shafici Mohamed Ibrahim assumed the role as the Chairman of Somaliland Journalists Association SOLJA, Ahmed Khalid was elected the vice chairperson and Ms. Muna Ibrahim Mahamed assumed the secretary of SOLJA backed by a mandate focused on progress, accountability and journalistic excellence.
In SOLJAs history the 8th Conference serves as a symbol of enduring principles, group empowerment and unwavering commitment to truth. As Chairman Shafici Mohamed Ibrahim leads SOLJA into its phase this significant event echoes as a source of hope and rejuvenation. Motivating future generations of journalists to uphold values of truthfulness, integrity and service, to society.