Election Campaign Media Monitoring Briefing Press Statement
Behind Ex-UNICEF Office, Shacab Area Tel: +25263-4012657/+2522572604
E-mail: soljajour@gmail.com /solja.ed@soljaorg.com Website: http://www.soljaorg.com Hargeisa, Somaliland
Date: 26/05/2021
Media is one of the most frequently used means of communication in the election period for an information source, and sharing, especially for candidates campaigning and reaching out to voters in their constituents.
The election of the House of Representatives and local councils is set to take place on May 31, 2021, the first such two elections at the same date in the history of Somaliland, this has made the election of special consideration for the citizens, the national political parties, the Government and the National Electoral Commission (NEC) in which they have united effort in their commitment to holding free and fair elections.
The Somaliland Journalists Association (SOLJA) Media Monitoring Center during the election period is presenting a briefing of how the Somaliland media has covered all news items and reports in the first three days of the National Parties Campaign Schedule [23-24-25 May 2021]. This center, which monitors all media outlets to comply with the Code of Conduct during the election period signed by all media stakeholders, has been operating since 2012.
Generally, the Somaliland media covered the election campaign in a positive, responsible manner, covering all candidates of the three national parties equally. The media provided candidates with equal time and coverage. The media is commended for their extra efforts to be vigilant against issues that could provoke outrage, or damage the election process. Media outlets have properly covered election events and anything that could harm the electoral process in a conflict preventive manner. The media environment of Somaliland was relatively peaceful, with no incidents of threats to media freedom that the organization has recorded in the first phase of the campaign, such as the imprisonment of a journalist, denial of access to information and the targeting or closure of a particular media outlet.
Independent media outlets have shown impartiality, and non-disclosure or broadcasting of fake news which potentially divisive news, while national media outlets under the Ministry of Information, Awareness and Culture such as Radio Hargeisa and the National Television of the Republic of Somaliland have shown impartiality and equal broadcast the news and reports of the three national parties of the Republic of Somaliland.
Websites News outlets are also part of the campaign for candidates running for seats in the House of Representatives and local councils. Publication of the newspapers in the capital of the Republic of Somaliland has increased during the election campaign by publishing candidates’ campaigns and there has been no record of violation of the media code of conduct.
The growth of the use of social media is also remarkable that Facebook pages of some ministries were used for the campaign day of the KULMIYE party, as well as the vehicles of one of the government agencies were stickered by specific candidates. It is noteworthy that social media has been reporting on acts that violate the Media code of conduct within the election campaign in some central regions of the country, such as the symbols of candidates burnt, while also some candidates have had their symbols crushed candidate offices were also attacked.
Conclusion: The first phase of the Somaliland election campaign has ended peacefully, and the media has been covering the local council and parliamentary elections in the Republic of Somaliland well.
Xilliyada doorashadu waxa ay ka mid yihiin mararka ugu badan ee saxaafadda loo adeegsado in lagu wada xidhiidho, xog lagu helo si gaar ahna loogu adeegsado ololaha iyo kasbashada shacabka JSL ee codbixiyeyaasha ah.
Doorashada golaha wakiilada iyo golayaasha deegaanka oo ku beegan inay qabsoonto 31 ka May 2021, oo ah doorasho isku sidkan oo markii ugu horaysay taariikhda Somalliland, tani waxa ay keenaysaa in doorashadu noqoto mid muhiimad gaar ah leh oo khasab ka dhigaysa in shacabka, xisbiyada qaranka, Xukuumadda iyo Komishanka Doorashooyinka Qaranku ay si isku duubni ah u danaynayaan in ay doorashadu ku dhacdo nabad iyo xasilooni si loo helo doorasho xor iyo Xalaal ah.
Xarunta la socodka Warbaahinta ee Ururka Suxufiyiinta Somaliland SOLJA ee xiliga doorashada waxay halkan idinkula wadaagaysaa xog tabin koobsanaysa sida saxaafadda Somaliland u baahisay, dhamaan ba xogaha, wararka iyo warbixinaha ku aadan wajiga hore ee ololaha doorashada oo ay sadexda xisbi iskugu muujiyeen dhamaanba Gobolada Somaliland saddexdii maalmood ee Kaltanka Ololaha ee Xisbiyada Qaranka [23-24-25 May 2021]. Xaruntan oo la soconaysa dhamaan qaybaha warbaahintu inay u hogaansameen Xeerka anshaxa saxaafadda ee xiliga doorashada ee ay wada sexeexdeen danyeeyaasha Saxaafaddu waxay shaqaynaysay labadii doorasho ee ugu dambeeyay.
Guud ahaan warbaahina Somaliland waxay u baahiyeen wararka iyo xogaha la xidhiidha ololaha doorashada si wanaagsan, oo xilkasnimo ka muuqato iyaga oo si isku mid ah u baahiyay dhamaanba musharixiinta ka tartamaya sadexda xisbi qaran. Warbaahintu waxa ay musharixiinta fursad siiyeen waqtiyo iyo baahin siman. Warbaahintu waxay ku ammaanan tahay dadaalka dheeraadka ah ee ay ku bixisay in ay ka feejignaadaan arrimaha xanafta keeni karaya, ama dhaawacaya doorashada. Xarumaha warbaahintu waxay si haboon u baahiyeen dhacdooyinka xiliga doorashada iyo wax wal oo keensan kara inuu dhaawaco hanaanka doorashada. Deegaanka Warbaahineed wuxuu ahaa mid nabdoon, ma jiraan dhacdooyin la xidhiidha khatar galinta xoriyadda warbaahinta oo uu ururku helay wajiga 1aad ee ololaha, sida wariye loo xidhay shaqo warbaahineed, diidmo helitaan xogeed iyo in warbaahin gaar ah la beegsaday ama la xidhay.
Warbaahinta madaxa banaan waxay muujiyeen bisayl, dhexdhexaadnimo, iyo inaanay baahin warar been abuur ah ama keensan kara khilaaf, si la mid ah Warbaahinta Qaranka oo hoos timaadda Wasaaradda Warfaafinta Wacyigalinta iyo Dhaqanku sida Radio Hargeysa iyo Telefishanka Qaranka JSL waxay muujiyeen dhexdhexaadnimo iyo in ay si isle’eg ugu baahiyaan Wararka saddexda xisbi qaran ee JSL.
Degel wareedyada ayaa iyaguna sidoo kale qayb ka ahaa baahinta ololaha musharixiinta u tartamaya kuraasta golaha wakiilada iyo golaha deegaanka. Wargaysyada ka soo baxa caasimadda JSL ayaa kordhay xiliga ololaha doorashada iyaga oo daabacaya ololaha musharixiinta lama diiwaan galin wax xadgudub ku ah anshaxa doorashada ee saxaafadda.
Warbaahinta baraha bulshadu ku kulanto iyo fahanka iyo koboca adeegsigeeda ayaa isna dhinaca kale xusid mudan iyadoo bogagga wasaaradaha qaar ka mid ah loo adeegsaday maalintii ololaha xisbiga kulmiye, sidoo kale ay gaadiidka mid ka mid ah hay’adaha dawladda loogu ololeeyay musharixiin gaar ah, sidoo kale la sii odorosay natiijo mala-awaal ah oo keeni karta marin habaabin bulsheed. Waxa fiiro gaar ah mudan in warbaahinta baraha bulshada lagu baahiyay falal liddi ku ah xeer hoosaadka anshaxa doorashada iyo habsami u socodka ololaha doorashada oo ka dhacay gobolo ka mid ah dalka, sida astaamo musharaxiinta oo la gubay, halka sidoo kale musharaxiin ka mid ah tartamayaasha astaamahoodii la jajabiyay, xarumo xildhibaan oo la weeraray.
Gebagabo: Waxaa si nabadgelyo ah oo ilbixnimo ka muuqato, ku soo dhammaaday wejigii hore ee Ololaha doorashada Somaliland warbaahintuna waxay si muuqata oo muunaysan u baahisay ololaha doorashada Golayaasha Deegaanka iyo Wakiilada ee JSL