SOLJA Welcomes IMS Team
SOLJA Team welcomed IMS Senior Programme Manager Mr. Finn Rasmussen and Somaliland Representative Mr.Khalid Baashe of IMS on 17 Feb 2016 which took place at SOLJA Head-quarter.
To start with, SOLJA Chairman Mohamud Abdi Jama have explained and discussed the current situation of Somaliland Media platform. Secondly, he has jot down how important this upcoming project is and the positive impact it will has in various journalists and media outlets.
Secondly, after apologize of the project execution due to bank transaction problems Mr. Finn has greatly thanked the SOLJA efforts and praised how they are working for the Media Development in a harsh environment. Moreover, Mr. Finn has discussed with us about the ongoing media challenges and how to tackle those evil acts in order to minimize the Harassment, arrest and threatening of freedom of expression that is spreading in our region.
Most importantly, IMS Senior Manager has promised that IMS/FOJO is very committed to continue helping SOLJA in terms of executing projects and enhancing and upgrading of SOLJA Capacity.
In short, this meeting was very productive and stimulating because it has a tangible output. As an Executive director Mr. Yahye Mohamed it was my pleasure to take some time with very professional individuals like Finn, Khaled and our SOLJA team our chairman Mohamud and program coordinator Liban Abdi.