The role of the Commission, political parties, government and the public has a weak voter registration and SOLJA Declaration.
SOLJA calls for the people of Somaliland for optimum participation Registration of voters to elect those
who lead them, because elections are the other options they have to choose leaders that can manage the
country and come up with development strategies for progress.
Registration Voters are rights that belong to citizens of the constitutional and electoral rules given right to
choose the leaders you think you can develop greater now holds, that's a decision belonged to individuals
to bring suit to see that they have knowledge, experience and ability to mitigate their needs.
SOLJA is looking forward to the process of heading for the registration process and the elections were an
important role in dealing with time, while its both the interests of voters and the interests of the nation, as
they are for national activities to around stand is responsibility of everyone in Somaliland.
SOLJA with referring to its national responsibilities were previously presented NEC Tips challenges
against the voter registration, which has primary responsibility for them was to do something but they are
not considered reports existing office and advice given and took the path already failed previous voter
registrations were their risks have been survived, who were due to lack of awareness of the social
inclusion process.
Formed part of the civil society organizations of the data collection has to make the process and
Registration considers the challenges ahead from registration to the Commission report of noxious and
community notification messages benefits with, and we prepare Products enough to pass on the correct
path of voter registration and community participation of this process.
Therefore, SOLJA organization formed a summary of the reasons why I came to see the plight of the
public do not register themselves: –
1. The Commission does not have the financial control of the registration, and cannot direct agencies
such as IOM helped Awareness and Cummonics
2. The Commission have started a weak unpreparedness registration in Togdheer region which have
been criticized greatly
3. The Commission and Awareness given local organizations made awareness’s without using religious,
traditional , Parliamentary , media and the impact on society and the media messages through from the
beginning until today are a message and not look back or not renewable .
4. As a result of the lack of release of result of the Outcome Registration of completed regions ,which
would create competition among regions, such as Burao and Borama.
5. Usage NEC political parties used to launch regional registration and illegal campaign changed and
subsequently stopped by the Commission.
6. Election Commission not to talk now or not characterize both the public barriers to registration and not
any way to help to carry out registration stronger than the midday remaining regions.
7. This process of voter registration is halted by the shortly failed registration of Civil ID cards which have
caused discourage to the citizens the way it is been carried out and which later on totally became a
challenge this current voter registration.
8. Awareness of the vehicles used by people who do not have the awareness of anything to say and
producing songs not apply for registration , the fact that young men and women of the highest voters do
not took part awareness .
Challenges Government: –
1. Government Awareness is Zero exception to the Commission’s public support , such as the economy
and public security .
2. The state -controlled media and government employees not to enter the National Awareness.
3. Government officials and the public services they need to do gain acceptance and participation ,
especially young people and women , which is disappointed on how this registration have started.
Political parties : –
1. Differences between the parties and the way they elect leaders and public pessimistic created .
2. The relationship of the parties and the community seen as no cooperation only the political parties start
cooperation when they need to be voted under the Registration or election .
3. The parties are not accountable to government, especially wore without starting to see the role , and
the opposition to monitor and oversee in real government make mistakes .
4. Political parties violates citizen rights, and the gain or autonomous tribal structure.
Public –
1. The Public misunderstanding of the constitutional rights of their process , and the voting system is
inadequate politicians by giving votes in more traditional way of tribalism .
2. Public ashamed of the promises of the parties went on , and that no matter how far away they want to
bring their leaders . Mistrust of upcoming politicians
3. The public and community Elitists do don’t provide guidance to the other least educated or
margenalized groups which left them confusion and misapprehension.
Advice & Suggestions: –
SOLJA recommendS : –
1. The Commission shall make changes in the process to bring awareness, inform the public information
system, and learn from the challenges faced or will face.
2. The parties to change the system among the leadership to select the country, and respect the will of
the people.
3. The public register themselves and elect good Leaders that care the people and develops the nation.