Press Release on: Call for the government to release 3 closed Media agencies/Journals
SOLJA apply its Independence Law No: 27/2004 Article 6 and 7, which clearly defines the access
permission of citizens to media, and to clear the way through the requirements, procedures, he sees
challenges many in the public transit system, after the Ministry of Information and the Attorney general
directly and indirectly restricted license rights of organizations access to free media.
SOLJA what sees the ban was removed papers from Hubsad, Xog-ogaal, and Codka shacabka (the
voice of the people) of the three newspapers permits legal issues, but the permits would be given or sold
of other citizens also prevented the permits access, the after the Ministry of Information and the Attorney
general suspended directly and indirectly licensing new media agencies. We would sincerely request
from The government to register and transfer ownership of that agencies to the banned journalists.
SOLJA considers the Ministry of Information and Media Authority administers have NO clear procedures
to be followed in terms of registration offices (Agencies) to go to, it’s because the government aims to
provide permits to indirect who are the same interest of political view.
SOLJA had asked the government for this review or charges against the government directly failing to
pay attention to this cases in order to further analyze the cause which will in return come up with a
solution, as the media have right to be allowed to access to perform their duties or rejected with valid
Meanwhile, Journalist Association is calling on the Somaliland Journalists who want to start or take over
media organizations to go through the legal system of the guiding by Press Law, which clearly justifies
access, amendment and supplement to media agencies.
SOLJA Association is recommending to the journalists to stop social networking sites in particular
disseminate of propaganda to hamper their name and media in general, as does the journalist was alone
in the person using social networking sites, which are eligible for punishment. Numerous negative
feedback and complaints received by SOLJA from Journalists personal social networks and this may
have a punishment and arrest if not seriously taken care of.